In 3B we enjoy working together, helping each other and celebrating each others' talents. Most of all we aim for a happy and productive day, every day!
As part of our 'Happy, Healthy Me' studies, we have looked at the importance of eating at least five fruits and veggies each day. We know that they give us the energy and nutrients we need to live active lives. We enjoyed making these funny fruit and vegetable folk on Friday. Who knew that learning could be such fun!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
On Friday, Kerrimuir celebrated the conclusion of our first two weeks back at school. We have become familiar with class and school routines and set down our own expectations and goals for this year. The Preps performed a rhyme and song at Assembly in front of proud parents and teachers! Then the whole school split into teams and enjoyed a variety of activities. It really was a fantastic example of team work and sportsmanship. Although it was a very hot day the Preps thoroughly enjoyed themselves and made some new friends. 'Thank you' to all our helpers in the upper grades.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
This week we have been involved in 'Getting to Know You' activities. We have also discussed how to treat each other with respect, care and encouragement both inside the classroom and outside on the play equipment.We have begun our fitness programme with some balancing and hula hooping. Prep A - "We're a Team!"
Monday, February 7, 2011
Here are some more fabulous 'First Day' photos of Preps and their families. Happy smiles all around !
Saturday, February 5, 2011
As you can see, there was great excitement on the first day of term for the students and families of Prep A at Kerrimuir. It was a hot and sticky sort of morning but everyone managed to keep smiling!