Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grandparents' and Special Visitors' Day

First, when we came in at Assembly, we sang A Whole New World with the Grade Ones. Charlotte
We showed our work to our grandparents. Hugo
I played the Number Towers game with my Nonna and my Mum. Sienna
I played Crazy Clocks on the big whiteboard. James
My grandparents like my Diary and my Workbook. Ally
I showed my Nana and Papa my fox mask. Angie
We introduced our grandparents to Mrs Pollock. Then we showed our grandparents around the classroom. Pearl
I showed my grandparents how to do Kid Pix on the computer. Riley
I was feeling happy when I sang the Connie Confidence song.

What a fabulous turnout of visitors to the Prep area on Friday morning! After Assembly where the Preps and Grade Ones sang beautifully, the Preps led their Grandparents back to the classroom to show them all their hard work. With impeccable manners the Preps introduced their visitors, showed off their workbooks, demonstrated some computer activities and played counting games. Mrs Pollock was very proud of you all - another happy day at Kerrimuir!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prep-Buddy Lunch, 2012

Many thanks to the wonderful Kerrimuir parents who once again produced a tasty lunch for the Preps and their Buddies. Parents were also invited and it was a great opportunity for all to meet and chat. Here are some of our guests this year .........

Saturday, March 17, 2012

How to Make Cup Cakes!

The Preps and Grade 1s spent a fabulous Friday making cup cakes and then writing about the process. The reward for all the hard work was EATING THE CUP CAKES OF COURSE!!!

Writing, writing, writing!

After the Grade 1 bubble gum blowing session we
wrote about the experience in the procedural format - here are some of the results.............

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Latest News

Getting Along
Last week all the Prep classes sang at Assembly. Considering this was their first performance they showed great enthusiasm and all wore their happiest smiles. The Gabby Get Along song was full of good advice about how to be considerate towards friends.

Apples Galore!
The Grade 1s have been concentrating on enriching their writing with suitable adjectives. After examining apples closely in 'Onesville' (Wednesday afternoon special Grade 1 get together time) they were encouraged to write about their activities, or to write a short creative piece about this fruit.
Here are some examples:

'Mrs V brought in apples. One was spckled, one was sour, one was sweet, one was juicy and one was shiny. Mrs V made a star shape. I ate it and it was hard and crunchy.' Chloe

'One day I went outside to play in my back garden and I found a magic apple. It flew over my head and I said 'Wow!' It was a space apple. I shook my head but it was real. I followed it. It took me to the biggest tree with so many apples. I ate an apple. It was tasty so I had another one. I loved them so much! I loved them because they were juicy and sweet. My favourite, favourite one was yellow and red.' Abi

'Last week I got a very wobbly tooth. I eat an apple every day but it's too hard with a wobbly tooth. One day my mum just pulled my wobbly tooth and it fell out. I like all apples but the juicy ones are yummy.' Eric

'One day I found an apple in my lunch box at snack time. What a treat! I was so excited because it was a magic apple. What a mysterious apple. My apple had red, green and yellow skin! The apple grew feet and arms and eyes and it ran away. I shrank and the apple was too big for me to eat anyway.
The best thing about apples is that they are juicy and crunchy.' Amber