Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Term 4

On Friday it was Japanese Festival Day at Kerrimuir.  Everyone dressed in red and white and some even dressed in national costume for a parade. At Assembly we saw a fantastic display of traditional Japanese drumming, or Wadaiko. After that all students gathered in their multi-age groups and spent the day participating in different activities such as cooking pancakes, making sushi, cartoon drawing, origami, sports and drumming. It was an interesting day and we all enjoyed ourselves very much.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

More Term 3 action!

During Book Week we had the chance to dress up as our favourite book character and join a whole school parade. It was great fun to identify all the characters and to see how inventive people were with props and costumes. Well done!


Looking back at Term 3

We were delighted to welcome the author Leigh Hobbs to Kerrimuir.  He talked about his interesting book characters and demonstrated how to draw them, step by step.  This was very exciting for P/1C because we had read all his books and even written new adventures for Horrible Harriet, Old Tom and Mr Chicken.  

We also thoroughly enjoyed our session with the Coach Approach team, whose instructors taught us basic Ultimate Frisbee, lacrosse and hip-hop dancing skills.