Harmony Day
Kerrimuir celebrated Harmony Day with a burst of orange, a multitude of flags and a whole school photograph in the shape of our continent. At a special assembly acknowledging the original owners of the land, and reflecting on the wide range of nationalities that now find themselves at Kerrimuir, all students and staff posed for the photo - we can't wait to see how it turns out. Then it was back to the classroom to study the globe and identify our various countries of origin, while remembering that we're all Australian now. Great day!
This was an interesting session because after chalking the outline of each others' bodies, Buddies had to think of two or three words to describe themselves and these were added to the shapes. It was fun to walk around afterwards and guess to whom each description applied. Have a look!
It has been an interesting week for Prep A. On Monday we worked with our Grade 5 Buddies once again. On Wednesday, Jada introduced her gorgeous kitten, Millie, to the class. Then Ruby showed us how a volcano erupts using her own model, some bicarbonate of soda, detergent, food dye and vinegar. Thanks, Ruby, for such an entertaining experience.
We've been looking at patterns during Mathematics sessions. Before creating our own pattern pictures we tried out some ideas using wooden shapes.
It was a very hot day on Monday but we still enjoyed getting together with our future Grade 5 Buddies for a shared reading session.