Wednesday, July 31, 2013

100 Days!
Yesterday we celebrated 100 days of Prep. We did some writing and counting and enjoyed making colourful masks. We had a special morning tea of cakes and delicious fresh fruit. Thank you to Sue and Kate who helped in the classroom. Here we are!

Claire said, "I would like 100 Lego toys because I could build things. I would not like 100 pets because they would dirty my house."
Brayden said, " I would like 100 cars because I like playing with my cars. I would not like 100 computers because my eyes would break."
Ruby said, " I would like 100 Lego friends because they are my favourite toys. I would not like 100 lollies because I would get a tummy ache."
Rylee said, " I would like 100 coins because I would become rich. I would not like 100 babies because they would annoy me."

Monday, July 29, 2013

Recent events......
 Welcome back to school everyone! Last term ended on a high note with the whole school dressing up in nightclothes for a fundraising venture. 
After a refreshing break, we were treated to a visit from Oz Opera who performed The Barber of Seville. We loved the music, drama, set and costumes as well as the humorous story of course!

Here's what some Preps said....
"The opera came to our school. I loved the singing and it was fantastic because they sang so beautifully. I loved when Rosina put the banana on the hallway and when the aunty slipped."  Alysha

"I loved when the boy opened the door and he went 'Aaaaaah' because the other boy was in another costume. The cast answered questions."  Joshua

"I loved Rosina. I also liked the kissing. I really liked the singing. I was wondering who organised it."   Kayley

"I liked the funny bits. I liked the piano playing. I liked the soldier costumes."  Jackson

"I had a question and my question was, who organised it? They were funny because they threw paper aeroplanes out the window. I loved Rosina's dress, she was the best. I thought the aunty was mean."  Tehmi

"I like the singing and the acting. I loved the piano. I liked when the soldier fell on his head."  Mitchell

What a fantastic way to begin the term! Tomorrow the Preps are celebrating their first 100 days at school so there will be some photos to follow soon. Until then......