Congratulations to the Preps for reaching the 100 day mark for attending school. To celebrate, in Prep A we looked at collections of materials to see what one hundred really looks like. It's a lot!
We counted to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s and found and continued patterns in a 100 square. Singing along to the '100 rap' got us into a party mood so we created patterns on some groovy glasses and added some 'bling'. Best of all, for morning tea and lunch we were able to enjoy mountains of delicious fruit - thanks to all parents. It was Claire's birthday so we had cakes too - what a day!

Olive wrote, "I would like 100 necklaces because I love wearing them to special occasions. I would not like 100 baby sisters because they would cry all night!"
Lucas said, "I would like 100 kites because I could fly them on windy days. I would not like 100 pigs because they would eat my food!"
Lucy J wrote, "I would like 100 rainbows because I would get to see one every day. I would not like 100 chips because I would get sick and my tummy would get fat!"
Lukas said, "I would like 100 birthdays because I love cake and I like toys. I would not like 100 red-back spiders because they are scary."