Looking back...
It has been an action-packed term and we are looking forward to a refreshing break. But before we say goodbye to Term 2, let's look back at some other events we've enjoyed...

Mr Reid, our school handyman, told us about all the jobs he does to keep us safe and Fiona, one of our mums, explained her role as a nurse. Thanks to both for taking time to talk to us about how they are our community helpers.
Swimming lessons were very successful with every participant making significant progress over two weeks. We had lots of parent helpers to assist on the bus and at the pool, so many thanks again to all who gave up their time to help.

We've been enjoying some really great maths games and activities. This one involved rolling a die ten times, finding a shape with the corresponding number of sides and then making a pattern or picture using those shapes. Lots going on with this one!
We've continued to work in pairs and groups and we're lucky to be able use the computers in our classroom too.
Finally, we were sad to say farewell to Vadim who was only with us for a few weeks. We hope he will return to see us again one day. Keep looking at our blog, Vadim, and keep in touch!