Monday, November 3, 2014

Some reflections on our excursion....
I went on the Crown bus with my Buddy to Hays Paddock.  It took half an hour to get there.  I looked out the window and I saw cool houses.  When we got there we saw a huge playground and everyone wanted to play on it.  We had snack under some trees before we got to play on the playground.  First I went on the hammock. We had a big play!   Oliver
I had a marvellous time at Hays Paddock. We all had morning tea under the trees because we could get sunburnt.  Then we all went into the playground.  After that we had a long walk and we got to see the ducks.   Oscar
I had a super Grade Prep/Buddy excursion!  The first thing I did was go on the Crown bus with my Buddy and I sat next to her and we played I-spy.  After that, we had snack with our Buddies.  Then I went on the playground and my favourite bit was the swings.  Next, we went on a long, long walk around the park.  When we got back we had our lunch and I was very, very hungry!  Finally we had some races and my favourite was the piggyback race!  Last of all we went back to school and I was exhausted after that!  Lucy J.
I had a smashing time at Hays Paddock.  First we went on the bus, it looked cool and also it was a Crown bus.  We got to sit under shady trees for recess. There was a huge playground and I loved playing in the sandpit.  We went for a lovely walk and after that it was lunch time.  Later, my Buddy and I were in last place in the relay races.  I love my Buddy!  Om

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